
The NARU Education Centre is co-located with the Defence CBRN Centre at Winterbourne Gunner near Salisbury in Wiltshire.

Our Vision:

We will embrace innovation and research to deliver world class evidence based educational modules, enhancing the resilience of Ambulance Service operations, the wider NHS and influencing multi-agency partners.

We deliver a wide range of courses that focus on improving patient care during major incident response. We achieve this by designing innovative and realistic training modules that are bespoke to the Ambulance Service.

All modules, whether command or operationally focused, are aligned to the National Risk Register (NRR), which ensures that training opportunities are delivered in priority order and aligned to current risk. Our Courses are also aligned to current and emerging doctrine such as JESIP, National Occupational Standards and the NARU Command and Control Guidance 2015. Course instructors cognisant of the core standards under the NHS Commissioning Board Core Standards for EPRR, which enables Trusts to meet the standard by provision of appropriate educational modules. Our close working with Ambulance Trusts is fundamental to ensuring modules reflect the needs of the modern and changing Ambulance Service.

All courses are evaluated internally and externally, with feedback being incorporated as required. Currency is essential to effective education; we regularly review educational materials and course content to ensure new and emerging standard operating procedures, principles and single or joint emergency service doctrine (JESIP) are embedded.

Innovation and realism are the cornerstones of the courses we deliver; wherever possible we utilise our bespoke practical scenario facilities to enhance candidate learning. Such innovation enhances the learning experience and improves the effectiveness of educational modules. We work with partners to design and develop multi-agency courses, workshops and exercises, ensuring that the Ambulance Service’s particular needs are met.

Since 2008 we have developed our facilities, including commissioning a pre-hospital simulation suite that brings the patient to the forefront of our training. Our relationship with partners and the military is extremely strong and significantly enhances the experiential learning for candidates. We strive to exceed candidate expectations and enhance the image and professional reputation of Ambulance Service resilience education. This is core to our ethos.

As well as being realistic, we wish to make our modules enjoyable, enabling the candidates to get the very best out of them and build effectively on their knowledge. We continue to work with international partners to develop and share best practice, ensuring the centre is dynamic and flexible, delivering the highest quality products worldwide.

Our ethos is to provide meaningful education incorporating innovative design and delivery methods, enabling training that is realistic, fit for purpose, world class and demonstrates value for money. Please click here to view our Candidates Charter.

Candidate feedback and evaluation is an essential element to our course design. We recognise that sometimes the best ideas come from operational staff, where practicable such concepts are built in to modules*.

The faculty is blended and comprises of seconded ambulance staff and subject matter experts (SMEs) that are pertinent to each course. All staff at the Education Centre play a key role in delivering effective courses, whether conducting an exercise, delivering a theory session or working on the essential administration and course logistics.

We look forward to welcoming you to the NARU Education Centre.


*The process of gaining accreditation for NARU courses by a Higher Educational Institute is underway. This will be a significant development and opportunity for candidates.